Here you will find a list of my ongoing projects on sustainability transformations. It will give you an idea of what puzzles my mind these days, but it has a lot to do with transformative capacities in the face of sustainability transformations in critical regions around the world. If you are interested in an overview of my research interests click here instead. If you want to access past projects, click here.

The transformative capacity of small island states (2020-2024)

In no other countries are rapid transformations currently more critical than in Small Island Developing States (SIDS). SIDS are the forerunners into a future of extreme weather, technological change, innovative solutions and shifts in political focus.  In this project funded by the Swedish Research Council, we  investigate the historical underpinnings of nationwide transformative capacity and potential blue transformation pathways of SIDS. Our paper on Pathways to a Sustainable Blue Economy in Latin America and the Caribbean can be found here

Blue Economy in the Balearic Islands (2021-2023)

The final objective of this study is to support the design of a sustainable blue economy strategy in the islands, in line with the Agenda 2030 and the SDGs, ensuring a sustainable economy through the protection of the marine environment. The final report (in Spanish only) can be downloaded here.  

Scaling conservation innovation (2021-2022)

This project, commissioned by the Luc Hoffmann Institute and WWF aims at analysing the role of accelerators and incubators scaling-up conservation innovations. It started with a mapping of the organizations operating in the conservation innovation ecosystem broadly defined. Through qualitative research methods, it investigated how the different organizations support innovations and to what extent they engage in different forms of scaling innovations, including at system level.

Toolbox for measuring sustainability gaps in Tourism destinations in Panamá with a proposal of public policies (2023)

The project aims at developing sustainable tourism indicators for policy-making processes at destinations. A special focus is on nature-based tourism and gender and tourism. Pilot studies are conducted in Bocas del Toro and the Valle de Antón. The project has a research, capacity building, and policy component. In total we gathered more than 300 questionnaires and 50+ interviews.

Institutional change and the transition to the Bio-economy in Sweden (2020-2025)

Boreal forests are considered to be biodiversity hotspots around the world. The aim is to understand and empirically investigate the role that different agencies have played in the Swedish sustainability transformation, adapting its instruments and objectives to the specific challenges of the system at different points in time: from a focus on technology and regional bottom-up approaches to strategic priorities to challenge-driven clinnovations and, in a sense, from policies addressing system failures to more recently policies addressing system change.